Six of Cups

Six of Cups
Two children admire flowers growing in chalices in a courtyard

The process of manifestation begins with identifying what it is we want to attract into our lives. The process of very powerful manifestation begins with identifying, acknowledging, and embracing our dreams, our ultimate heart’s desire.

Oftentimes we will set our sights on what we believe is attainable, which is fine. Yet we will set aside focusing on our dreams as we may believe they are far beyond our reach. We have come to accept the limitations of what we are able to accomplish in our worlds, having long since abandoned the childhood dreams we once embraced.

There was a time in our lives where our dreams were unfettered by the “realities” of adulthood. We believed we could attain any outcome our hearts desired when we “grew up”. Soon the conditioning of the idea of a harsh world that demanded conformity, obedience, and survival began to take root as we transitioned out of adolescence into becoming a grown-up. We found ourselves acquiescing our dreams to the realm of being unrealistic and unattainable.

When we embrace our dreams as we did through the perspective we held in our childhood, we pursue them with utter abandon. We no longer hesitate at the idea of skinning a knee or breaking a bone, knowing the pain is temporary and the hurts will heal. We allow ourselves to be magnetically pulled toward the euphoric notion of holding our realized dreams in our hands. We disengage the restraints that we’ve allowed the concept of adulthood to place on our momentum.

When we allow ourselves to dream big, we find within those dreams our true purpose. Our dreams contain our destiny, the reason we came into this incarnation. When we move in accordance to our gestalt desire, we live in accordance to the sole reason we are alive. Through that we will not merely set a series of intentions to manifest; rather, we will discover that which we are manifesting are all the wonderful things in life we didn’t even realize we wanted, all as a byproduct of embracing our dreams.