My complicity in the state of the economy

A few days ago I read the op-ed article by Warren Buffett posted in the New York Times entitled Stop Coddling the Super-Rich. As is hinted by the title, his article implores the members of congress to impose the same weight of financial accountability on the wealthy toward improving our economy as is expected of lower income folks. Continue reading My complicity in the state of the economy

The balance between content and inspired

I love inspirational writings. I really enjoy wrapping myself around words that are meant to remind us of all we’re capable of, words that are intended to reach into our souls and awaken our fullest potential, stripping our limits away like slowly peeling, fading wallpaper. Continue reading The balance between content and inspired

The tyranny of avocations

You would think after all this time I wouldn’t need to remind myself to breathe, something I do automatically. Yet I need to sometimes.

There are so many things I’m finding I want to do this evening. It’s strange how pressure can seem to mount up to get things done when these things are avocations, for enjoyment, for entertainment purposes only. Well, perhaps I’ll withdraw the word only in the last statement, considering the nature of some of these personal endeavors. Continue reading The tyranny of avocations

The choice between a good day and a bad day

Yesterday was an excellent day in disguise. Or it was a bad day and I was unaware of it.

The surprise snow visitation turned our little Puget Sound world on its side, as it is prone to do when we see a 3+ inch accumulation of the stuff. We see snow so infrequently we aren’t sure how to manage our vehicles in it all too well. I certainly can be counted among those, as I failed to make it up our ice ridden hill in the pickup and I won’t even try to take my Miata out in the snow, a car with rear wheel drive that weighs as much as me. Continue reading The choice between a good day and a bad day

The stillness between the excitement

I feel like I’m left to clean up after a party with a hangover.

Last night we had our first guest speaker on our podcast. After a three week hiatus in recording, having a guest on the show added to the already built up excitement of getting back into the swing of things. The anticipation of this great event was that shiny object glinting off the horizon for the entire week. Continue reading The stillness between the excitement

The one we forget to thank most often

I don’t mean to be ungrateful…

Nearly every day I state aloud the myriad of things for which I am grateful. There are things I will state that always make the list; my spouse, my job, my home, my friends and family. I do my best to keep from merely performing an auditory roll call of gratitude, checking off each box to indicate the ones I remembered to state. Sometimes it does feel like I’m going through a checklist, so when it does I will not only state what I am grateful for, but why. I will state the reason I am grateful for whatever or whomever it is, what joy or benefit it brings to my life. Continue reading The one we forget to thank most often

The price of winning

How often do you hear people say something to the effect of:

If I just had the winning lottery numbers…

This statement seems to be a punctuation on one’s life situation. The ellipsis of the statement implies a finality of sorts, that all will be well and wrapped up in a tidy and neat package not unlike your standard situation comedy. Continue reading The price of winning